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The responsible of the LEGAL Service ensures the management of legal proceedings (litigation, representation and defense in court), legal advice to University facilities and the supervision,
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The scope of activities in criminal law includes assistance and advice in particular regarding crimes against the person, assets, public administration, administration of justice, as well as offenses of a counterintuitive nature.

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The study also provides advice on medical liability, privacy and defamation. The Stefani studio was opened in Florence for forty years and saw its founder the lawyer Prof. Eraldo Stefani engaged in judicial cases of national importance both in defense of defendants and in the defense of offended Persons.
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From a methodological point of view, an approach based on a constitutional-oriented interpretation of the criminal law will be adopted throughout the course.
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May I thank you sincerely for all your efforts over the past 14 months. Your care and eye for detail was very much appreciated. You made what could have been a very difficult process quite bearable and for this I thank you. I also felt at all times that I was in the very best of hands and this gave me great confidence.
Shah Paran
We wish to personally thank you for your professionalism and the personal care that you appear to have made towards Bob & Carole. I know why I recommended you to mum & dad & have recommended others to receive a professional service.
Philips Stewart
Every now and then in life, something happens to restore your faith in the kindness and decency of fellow human beings.
Last Thursday was one of those times.
We had a Win! Justice prevailed and I witnessed a very special human being defend what is “good” and “right” in all of us, the right to be human.
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5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Worker’s Compensation Claim
If you get injured on the job, it can become very difficult to pay household bills and medical bills for yourself. Luckily, American workers are covered under the workers’ compensation insurance protection, which enables them to take care of their bills and make up for lost wages until they are well enough to take care of themselves again.
Without these benefits, it can be very tedious to get by on your own. Unfortunately, workers make simple mistakes that cost them heavily during the claims process. If you get injured at work, you must understand your rights and responsibilities. Here are 5 tips that’ll help you get the most out of your compensation claims.
Understand the available benefits
Before even starting the procedure of filing a claim, you need to find out and understand the extent of the benefits available to you. While the benefits vary between places, some of them are common across the board, such as disability benefits, treatment reimbursement, travel reimbursement and vocational rehabilitation.
If you don’t understand anything, you can reach out to employment lawyers melbourne no win no fee or a related agency for better understanding.
Look for help immediately
When and if you are hurt on the job, don’t wait to see if you can walk it off. Report the injury immediately. Many local authorities have set certain deadlines for you to report the injury, any delay in that gives the insurance companies more reasons to deny your claim. They can say that the injury didn’t occur at work or it isn’t serious enough since you waited to see a doctor. Immediate medical attention can lead to a quicker recovery.
Consider different doctors
Many states require workers to be treated by a doctor of the insurance company’s choice. Since these doctors are paid by the insurance company, they tend to work in favor of the insurance company and fix the situation enough to minimize the payout as much as possible. If you feel like that is the case, you should switch your doctors as soon as possible.
Be specific
Once you have filed the claim, you’ll be questioned by a lot of medical providers. You must describe the whole incident in as much detail as possible and be consistent on every occasion. The insurance company experts will comb through all the reports to find a reason to decline your request, so don’t give them any reason to.
Consider appealing the denial
Insurance companies are for-profit organizations, which is why they usually deny legitimate claims in an attempt to save some money. However, you have the right to appeal a company’s denial. The process may differ for states, but you can end up with some amount rather than nothing in the end.

Top Reasons Why Hiring an Attorney Can Prove Fruitful for You
Facing legal charges is something everyone is eventually exposed to. In order to make sure you have someone on your side who can cater to your legal needs, you need to hire a lawyer. In case you are not sure of hiring a lawyer toowoomba, you need to believe that he will definitely help you gather the information you need to account for anything you do that upsets the law or gets you convicted for a crime you didn’t even know existed.
It is important to understand how significant hiring a lawyer can be for you. Here are a few reasons why you definitely need to hire a lawyer no matter what the scenario in your life:
1. You may not be able to understand the law
There are times when you may be wrongly convicted by someone revengeful only because you do not know better. You need to ensure there is someone who can care for these issues without getting you in trouble.
2. You may end up paying more money than you should
This is one of the most common mistakes regular people and civilians make when they get convicted for something they are not sure of. In case of getting indicted in any civilian lawsuit or offense trial, you need to make sure you have a lawyer who can support and care for you legally and financially. Your lawyer will make sure you are not wrongly indicted or have the capacity to pay more than you actually should in an offense.
3. Filing documents and appearing on your behalf
In case you have some cases to attend to, you need someone who can take responsibility of filing all your documents and assuring you are legally presentable to the court. On the other hand, you will also need someone to appear on your behalf and fight your case in case you have to go to the jail. It is absolutely crucial to ensure all this is done when you have a case running against you or need someone to take care of your legal matters. You cannot possibly care for all the things and suppressing evidence as required. You would definitely need some professional help to make sure you are catered to properly.
4. Challenging and suppressing evidences against you
It is very important to have an upper hand on the case you are fighting or have something against. For instance, even if you are innocent but the evidence proves otherwise, you need someone to suppress the evidence, make sure you are not being able to indicted by the person or the court and start appearing innocent. Your lawyer will make sure you are able to do so with his connections, as well as his legal expertise.

Pensions latest news, decree in the Official Gazette between today and tomorrow: Mattarella signed
The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, has signed and issued the so-called ‘decretone’ containing measures on the income of citizenship and quota 100 regarding the pension system. After the signature of the head of state, comes the enthusiastic comment of deputy premier Luigi Di Maio who, on his Facebook profile, writes: “Welcome back State Social!”.
“Now I am waiting for the moment when, thanks to the work of deputies and senators, it will sign the law with which we will cut the salary of all the parliamentarians and finally we can say GOODBYE PRIVILEGES! 2019 – concludes Di Maio – will be a great year! “.
The news in terms of pensions to date Monday, January 28, 2018 concern the publication of the decree in the Official Gazette. The publication of this decree in the Official Gazette seems to be rather expected , a news that has been reiterated also during the weekend by several exponents of the 5 Star MoVement. This is the long-awaited decree that was approved on January 17 and contains many new pensions such as quota 100, citizenship income, life expectancy and extension of women’s option.
After being approved by the Council of Ministers, the times have become a bit lengthy since only last Thursday was sent to Mattarella for signing and now it is only waiting for the publication in the Official Gazette that should take place today Monday 28 January 2018, at most tomorrow, Tuesday, January 29, otherwise there could be some rather serious problems. These could concern a whole series of clarifications and emphases that came directly from the President of the Republic Mattarella, for if the publication did not take place between today and tomorrow, the government could be put in a position to respond to it.
This delay could be charged to the problem of coverage, especially for future years or the fact that Wednesday in Parliament will vote on the possibility of proceeding against Salvini for the eighteen case with the 5 Star Movement that has sided in favor. It is almost unthinkable that Salvini may want to bring down the government for this very reason, but obviously before issuing a decree so important, perhaps someone would be trying to figure out how it could end this story.
What is certain is that the times continue to lengthen and many pensioners who would have already matured the requirements to be able to retire, await the decree and the circular consequences of INPS to understand if there are times and especially to understand how and what to do to get out of the business world.
The innovations introduced by the decree, as we know, are 100 and citizenship income. Quota 100 is the measure that gives the possibility to workers who want to leave the world of work well in advance to be able to do so once the requirements are fulfilled, that is, one from the point of view of personal data and the other contributor. It will be necessary for these workers to be 62 years of age and have matured 38 years of contributions. The income of citizenship instead would be the measure to combat poverty che would come to all those families who find themselves living in a situation of particular gravity from the economic point of view, but towards those who are in a condition of social exclusion and from the world of work. These are two very important measures, which require considerable resources.

Politicians blitz on the Sea Watch. Salvini: ‘Against the law’.
The blitz of the politicians who reached the Sea Watch and stayed on board more than six hours to collect the testimonies of the migrants and document their situation, gave way to a relay race that mobilized the opposition within half a day. The ‘la’ gave him the secretary of the Italian Left, Nicola Fratoianni, and the deputies Riccardo Magi of + Europe and Stefania Prestigiacomo of Forza Italia: it was she, in possession of a boat license, to drive a rubber boat; on board, the other two political exponents, the mayor of Syracuse, Francesco Italia, a lawyer and a doctor. Together they reached the ship of the NGO for three days moored in the harbor, in front of Syracuse, with 47 migrants and climbed on the boat.
“We did a blitz – announces Fratoianni – using a dinghy, with us there are also a lawyer and a psychologist”. Some migrants showed politicians signs of torture in Libya .
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The reaction of the Minister of the Interior, Salvini, is ready: “They do not respect the laws and favor illegal immigration”. “It is illegal to prevent an inspection”, they replied, stating that this type of activity is “constitutional prerogative of parliamentarians”.
“The Italian government – said deputy premier Luigi Di Maio at ‘It’s not the Arena on La7 – is engaged in these hours to produce with the authorities all the information with the judiciary so that we can seize the boat . to get these people to the Netherlands, I do not have to register those who disembark in Italy, if the Dutch government registers them, and if the ship is not Dutch, the government has to say it but this is having an ambiguous attitude “.
On the ship, some migrants showed signs of abuse and torture in Libya. “Their situation is painful – said the psychiatrist Gaetano Sgarlata – I had talks with 10 people, including three children.There is a person who lost an eye, people with cuts and fingers deformed by the blows received “. A picture that also emerges from the words of the parliamentarians.